Red Feather Farm

Who we are...



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Meghan Johnson

“It’s no secret parrots are loud and are known for being able to talk, but so many of us don’t know how to listen. That’s what I want to help with – to translate when our parrots are trying so hard to tell us things we cannot understand.” – Meghan 

Meghan lives with several birds of her own, as well as ball pythons, crested geckos, dogs, barn cats, and horses. She has been married for 11 years and has two daughters, one of which is developing quite the passion for birds herself. Certified in Susan Friedman’s Living and Learning with Animals course on applied behavior analysis, her main passion is helping others work with through problems with their parrots when the need arises.

Ultimately, Meghan’s goal is to continue to spread awareness of what it truly means to live with a companion parrot, help provide translation when we’re struggling to understand what our parrots are telling us they need, and to never stop learning.


Life at

Red Feather Farm

Red Feather Farm was only purchased a short time ago, and is still developing into what it could be. RFF sits on 10 acres in LaPorte IN, and the parrots here share their home with horses, dogs, barn cats, and reptiles.

Birds at Red Feather receive the same quality of care as the birds at Cockatoo Ranch.
They are fed a mixture of fresh fruits, veggies, and grains daily. We use a high-quality mix of either Lafeber pellets or Harrison pellets with avi-cakes, nutriberries, and supplements. Nuts and seeds are used for reinforcements.

Arbor View Animal Hospital in Valparaiso, IN, and Bird and
Exotic Wellness Center in Toledo, OH, are the primary avian vets RFF relies on.

Those wishing to adopt from RFF must still fill out the application and submit a home video (details on the Adoption page).
We also maintain the same standards as Cockatoo Ranch, meaning you must have an appropriately sized cage
of, AT MINIMUM, 1 1/2 times the wingspan of the bird your interested in.

While aviaries are still in the building process, we’re hopeful to have them up and ready for the spring
so our birds can be outside in the warmer months.

We strive to develop a fundamental understanding of targeting with every bird that comes here,
if for no other reason than medical necessity.

We are taking birds at a VERY limited capacity until Red Feather Farm is further developed.
Please contact Meghan or Shellie for any questions.


 Meghan Johnson
(219) 575-9651


Birds currently at Red Feather Farm…click for more detail










Adopted Birds

Boo Boo


